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The Number One Practice That Caps Your Income As A Personal Stylist

Jul 22, 2024
personal styling business

As seasoned personal stylists, we've seen the industry evolve and witnessed countless stylists struggle with a common issue: income stagnation. The traditional approach to styling, which treats each client as a one-off transaction, is outdated and limits your earning potential.  In modern personal styling and image consulting, the key to maximize your income is to build deeper, more sustained relationships with your clients.

"Stylists who build deeper, more sustained relationships with their clients increase their income faster than stylists who treat clients like a one-off transaction."  And you can quote us on that.

Here's the thing, many stylists are taught to find a client, serve the client, close the client, and then move on to the next one. This rinse-and-repeat method is not only exhausting but also limits your income potential. Each time you start over with a new client, you invest significant time and energy in getting to know their lifestyle and wardrobe needs all over again with no guarantee of a long-term return.

The more lucrative approach is to go deeper with your clients, not wider. This means fostering ongoing relationships rather than constantly seeking new clients. By doing so, you create a loyal client base that relies on your expertise multiple times a year, securing a steady and growing income stream.

How GoodPix Helps Stylists Facilitate Deeper Client Relationships.

Top stylists shared two of the platform's favorite features that have transformed their business models.

  1. Calendar Feature: Organization at its best.  Stylists often tell us how much their clients adore the calendar feature!  You can help clients plan outfits for a trip, lay out their outfits for work, or style on-air TV talent who want to spread out the use of certain looks. With this kind of organizational service, you'll earn a client for life!  As your clients get dressed for multiple life roles, this calendar feature helps the client relationship grow.
  2. Digital Client Sites: Wardrobes at your fingertips. Our digital client sites allow you to maintain and update your clients' wardrobe information effortlessly. Having this data readily accessible on your phone means you can provide personalized advice and services at any time, enhancing the client experience.  Just imagine your client being able to flip through her digitized wardrobe when you're not with her, always keeping you top of mind!  This has been the crowning jewel of long-term commitment to your services, once the client experiences getting dressed in minutes thanks to the outfits on her digital site, she wants to keep the service (and deeper relationship) going!

Foster the long-term commitment, not a one-hit-wonder.  



Thanks to these tools, stylists can offer ongoing services that extend beyond single transactions. Clients appreciate the continuity and convenience of having a dedicated stylist who knows their preferences and wardrobe history, leading them to sign up for long-term, even unending, services.

By shifting your focus from short-term transactions to long-term relationships, you not only enhance your clients' experience but also unlock your full earning potential. Embrace the modern approach with the help of GoodPix’s innovative tools, and watch your income grow as you go deeper with your clients.

The more value you deliver your clients, the more you can charge premium rates and sign clients to long-term, ongoing services. Delivering repeat value is the difference between an "ok" styling business and a thriving one.

Ready to transform your styling business? Discover how GoodPix can help you build deeper client relationships and elevate your income. Sign up today and take the first step towards a more profitable future.

It's time to meet the demand for your expertise

I believe that your time is now. Never before have consumers craved personalized curation and styling from an expert like you, more than they do now. All you need is clarity on your offer, target market and marketing strategy plus modern technology and access to commissions. 

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